Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Who the hell created the "Pet Rock" product

That's the question i asked myself today when i woke up.

I don't KNOW why  i did ...because it is not the first time i have heard about it.

I have read about this crazy product before. It was a serious craze many years ago.

Millions of sane people pulled out money to actually buy a rock .

A rock they called a pet.

No am not kidding.

If you are wondering if i am just making this here to read about pet rock on wikipedia.

As you can see , this is very REAL.

Millions of real people bought a rock as a pets.

What the...?

My head is spinning.

Why did people spend money on a rock?

It beats me.

Were they mind controlled or what?

What value were they getting from buying it?

Was the rock vomitiing clean notes of $1000 bills?

It is really something to think about.

And yes .

Shot up...I know.

It is really none of my business what people decide to buy with their money...but i just can't help but think how the pet rock craze would have played out in Africa (Nigeria to be exact).

I can just imagine how your family and friends would react.

They will likely think you bought an idol.

Your mum would likely send a prayer request to church ...asking the pastor to pray for you.

"He is going crazy...He just bought a rock and calls it a pet"

Your dad would likely book an appointment with a shrink  for you.

Nah...not in Africa.

Your dad would probably, tie you up to the trunk of a big tree with iron chains ...and  BEAT the living shit out of you.

Till that "rock buying demon" in you , is completely exorcised.

Well, maybe he would not be that crazy.
It is possible though.

Anyway... that's this crazy world for you.

I gat to run now.

I have to go stroke my pet rock now. ;)

(Ta...Never gonna happen)
