Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The scary marketing experiment story

" That's a stupid marketing idea. I won't work" I said as we strolled into the office complex.

My partner had just suggested a wacky idea for promoting out flagship product.

And it sounded too crazy.

"people would not take us serious" I kept telling him.

'well, you never know tilll you try" he replied.

" i have seen stupid ideas that work wonders. And remember , you always said...test everything". he added.

And well, he was right. I have always told him that.

So i mulled he thought over and said...

"okay. go do it"

He smiled like he just received the good news of a promotion and raced out my office.

The next day, as I got to the office, I saw something that almost made me vomit.

On top of one of our car was something that looked like a corpse.

"What the hell?"

"Is this what his idea was?". I asked myself.

I pulled out my phone and dialed a number.

Someone was about to be verbally annihilated.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Story of The Star Gazer

“I have found it” 

James screamed with joy like he just won the lottery.  He dropped the telescope and sprinted in my direction.

James was my twin brother and an amateur astronaut. That’s what he called himself though. I preferred to call him the “crazy star gazer”.

Since we were 7, he had always been fascinated with stars and astronomy.
I remembered the day dad bought him a toy telescope. He smiled from ear to ear like a boy who just got room full of candy.

For the next 12 years, he kept studying and gazing at stars.

“What is it this time?”
“Have you found another onion?”

 That was my way of mocking him. Onion meant Orion.
“Just come check it out”

He dragged me to where he kept the giant telescope.
“Just take a look” he repeated.

I grabbed it and looked.
All I could see were clouds.

“James, did you just make me spend 10 seconds of my life watching clouds”
“What’s all the fuzz was about?”

I dropped his equipment and walked away like an angry child who just got grounded by his dad.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

These 3 Funny Tips Can Save Your Marriage

Marriage can be SWEET...and some times can be so bitter.
Some times it's so bad a partner wants a divorce.

 I am not a marriage counselor or anything don't take my GOOD advice. :)

If you are going through stuff times in your marriage , then these 3 funny tips can actually save your marriage from falling apart.

1. Be A FOOL

If marriage has to WORK. 1 person has to be a fool sometimes.  You have to overlook things and tolerate the nonsense of your partner.

You know you have your own nonsense RIGHT?
We all do.

If your marriage must work, then you need to tolerate and be a fool for the other partner,
I know this can be HARD because some people are just

2. TALK to your partner 247 

Don't sleep...don't go to WORK...just stay awake and throughout the day talking to your partner.


Okay ...just kidding.

But the point I want to make is COMMUNICATE.

Talk to him or her. Don't assume anything.

You see, many marriages fail be cause the partners stop communicating.They start making assumptions.

Appreciate the GOOD Side of your partner

3. Say " I love You" Hourly (and mean it)

Okay...This is not possible. But whenever you can , tell him or her that you LOVE him or her.

People want to be appreciated and LOVED.
Even the worse criminal want to be loved.
 So when you genuinely Love and say it to your partner... (and also act it) mend the fences that can wreck your marriage.

Don't assume your partner knows it...SAY IT.
Then act it.

Want more ways to mend your marriage and save your marriage?

 This training is filled with effective ways to turn your marriage around. Just click the link below to check it out.

=====>>>>Click Here To Save Your Marriage 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Man Transforms Stupid Potato Idea Into a "$10k Profit A Month online JACKPOT"

Do you eat POTATOES?

If time you eat one...just imagine crispy $100 bill rolling down your throat...because a man has found a way to make money with potatoes.

You see , the other day I stumbled on a very funny but interesting story.
A man had a silly idea, when out and tried it. 

He made over $10 000 profit in the first month.

(I'll shoot you a link below. Read on)

Guess what he's doing?

People pay him money to write messages on
a real potatoes then he mails it anonymously
 to any person they want read that right.

You can laugh if you want...but that guy is making BANK.

BIG $hiny BUCKS.

You know, that's why I love the internet. Anyone who 
can really take action can SUCCEED.

Sometimes it just takes having some BALLS...and the right information.

Having BIG BALLS is good. But 
having the RIGHT information ...and having 
the balls to TAKE ACTION...on the right information...

...will shoot you to success FAST.

Truth is...there's bad information all over the WEB.

There's also good info too.
But the question is you have the BALLS to take action?

Did I hear you say "you do"?


The cool thing is ...there are many online models
much simpler than coming up with silly ideas.

You won't have to stay awake all night
scrawling on potato or anything object.

You'll still need to do some work though.


One cool way to get started online is affiliate marketing.

And the other day I pointed you to a training that shows how to
profit quickly with affiliate marketing.


Mk Akan

PS- Here's the potato story.